I inherited a nice Illy espresso machine from my parents who basically do not use it. I shamelessly made off with it & purchased a Capreso milk frother. So far so good. My first latte was delicious and this will hopefully save me so much money in the long run buying coffee.
I’m excited to be bringing my own coffee to class, work, etc in my new Kleen Kanteen bottles!

At the recommendation of a friend, I purchased these Kleen Kanteen bottles. They are food-grade stainless steel and free of all the nasty plastics and coatings that get in your water/drinks & ruin your body. So far, I like them for the convenience, the simplicity, the great easy-to-clean design, and the great features on the two insulation ones I purchased (the smaller ones). Of course, since taking these photos I’ve promptly left the larger water bottle at my piano professor’s house, but that’s another story…
I plan to use the large bottle of water for long days, exercise, and dance class, and the little insulation ones for coffe & soup. This will be good at school especially.

Lifestyle, beauty, and everything.